Bach Flower Remedies

Back in the 1930s a forward thinking doctor, Dr Edward Bach, discovered 38 flower remedies that can help us when we need a little extra encouragement and support to blossom. The remedies help us manage our emotions, balance negative thoughts and feelings, and allowing us to find our hidden strengths and potentials.

Exam nerves, need help focussing on study. feeling despondent, Can't switch your brain off, Feeling resentful and sorry for yourself, overwhelmed by many responsibilities, feeling guilty, lack of confidence, unhappy with yourself, no patience, feel burnt out and exhausted mentally and physically, driving yourself too hard, find it difficult to say no, unsettled at times of change, jealous, spiteful,angry, shy, feel anxious, can't move on from the past, keep making the same mistakes, can't be alone, impatient and in a hurry, lonely, give up when things go wrong, indecisive, You feel down in the dumps and don't know why

These are just some of the many emotions we have that the Bach Flowers can help with. They are safe to give to anyone including pregnant women and babies. Very good for children going through the different phases of their lives - friendships, changing circumstances, exams etc.

I link the Bach Flowers within my practice together with reflexology but can also do individual appointments for personalised Bach flower Essences, either in person or by phone.

If you would like to discuss if Bach flowers could help you, please give me a call on 07771 530514 or email me via the contact form.